Thursday, March 15, 2007

My Super Sweet Slut-Teen

Waaaaaaaaaaay back in December I started writing this:

So. The very first time I saw MTV's "My Super Sweet Sixteen" I thought - "WTF?" Then I thought, "When's the next episode?!" Then I thought, "Are these chippies for real?" Then I thought, "I can't believe I just spent my Saturday afternoon watching this. For shame." You know, the classic "car crash" emotions. Shock. Intrigue. Disgust and ultimately guilt for taking pleasure in something that is so tragically devastating to someone else.

You see, I've been working on college campuses for upwards of eight years now and for the longest time I've always wondered what happens to young women when they get on campus and into fraternity parties. Why do they lower themselves to such submissive behavior? Why do they allow the boys on campus to take advantage of them, manipulate them and both literally and figuratively, rape them? Then it finally dawned on me - these super sweet sixteen girls - these controlling, daddy's little girl, power mongering, credit card swiping, I'm the queen of my party, my school, my town girls - are simply trying to replace the power they (w)horded while in high school. Their "status" means nothing on male dominated campuses. No one cares that Ciara played your sweet sixteen party or that you handed out silver coined invitations or that you made three guys dance poolside as you and your three girlfriends decided whether or not they were worthy to attend the magical event.

And when they realize that no one cares about that, it makes it that much easier to make out with the next "hot" girl and subsequently get approval from the men cheering them on.


Apparently, sometime between now and then, January and February happened. I've obviously lost the fervor with which I was writing that post ... some valid points were made, but for the life of me, I can't remember what my point was going to be.

Daddy, don't let your daughters grow up to be frat whores. I'll leave it at that.