So today my trainer informed me I have two sessions left in my training package. When I asked if there was some sort of culminating experience to commemorate the occaision he just looked at me, the same way he looks at me when I say, "20 reps? You're kidding right?" or "Run 2 miles? That's funny!" So, I decided to take a shot ... "How about, on our last day, I get to punch you in the gut?"
It was worth a shot right?
Anyway, I'm making my way back home for a few days ... look for some blogs (and some pics, hopefully) from the Land of Enchantment. It'll be hott.
Monday, July 10, 2006
If I Don't Get to Punch Someone, Why am I Paying So Much Money?!
Posted by Daniel 2 comments
File this one under: gym
Thursday, July 06, 2006
So Who's Up for Some Pot Pie?
I wonder if Tyra Banks ever regrets being the catalyst for Janice Dickenson being thrust upon the world again. Maybe a little guilty?
Whatever, as long as Ms. Dickeson keeps her male models working for 2xist, she can be any shade of crazy she wants!
So, I often have a problem when it comes to dinner time. Backstory - Wilson and I got into a huge argument over groceries the other day because I wanted to buy groceries and he didn't want to because I tend to buy things I won't ever eat (mostly because I have this notion that I'm a chef, when in reality, the only cooking skill I have is the ability to dial for chinese delivery!), they go bad, and in the long run he wastes money. Okay, all logical. So anyway, we argued, we bought groceries. Cut to today and me sitting on the chair, literally watching the minutes pass, thinking, "How late do I have to let it get before I don't feel guilty for making the decision to not make food, but to order it ..." Then there's the whole problem of me waiting so long to make food that I get so lethargic about it ... what a viscious cycle.
No! Make food! You can do it! Oohh, there are tater tots ... No! Tater tots are not food! So, I pull out some chicken from the fridge ... what shall I do with it? Let's just sautee some chicken, boil some pasta, throw some red sauce on there and call it a meal. No fuss, no muss, and a net gain of approximately 4 dirty dishes. But wait - what's that yellow box in the corner? Bisquick ... ooh a recipe for dumplings! I've never done that before. Yeah, yeah, you can boil some chicken in some chicken broth, cut up some celery, put in some potatoes, some carrots, green beans, corn, onions and totally make a stew!! With dumplings!
P.S. Who knew it would take an hour and a half to make this stew with dumplings and that I wouldn't be eating dinner until 9:45. Not this kid, that's for sure.
I'm not even going to get into the fact that I was one can of chicken broth short and it really came out as chicken and dumpling pot pie stuffing ... so guess what's for dinner tomorrow?! Oh and I'm also not going to get into the fact that I have no idea what dumplings are supposed to a) look like or b) taste like, so I dont' know if I got those right ... as far as I know they're balls of steamed dough ... and I like dough, erego, I liked the dumplings. That's the transitive property, bitches.
Anyway, the moral of the story is that when it comes to cooking I'm way more ambitious than I am talented.
Posted by Daniel 1 comments