Monday, July 10, 2006

If I Don't Get to Punch Someone, Why am I Paying So Much Money?!

So today my trainer informed me I have two sessions left in my training package. When I asked if there was some sort of culminating experience to commemorate the occaision he just looked at me, the same way he looks at me when I say, "20 reps? You're kidding right?" or "Run 2 miles? That's funny!" So, I decided to take a shot ... "How about, on our last day, I get to punch you in the gut?"

It was worth a shot right?

Anyway, I'm making my way back home for a few days ... look for some blogs (and some pics, hopefully) from the Land of Enchantment. It'll be hott.


zorknapp said...

Most trainers are not known for their well developed sense of humor...

zorknapp said...

You need to update your blog more often... :)