Monday, May 14, 2007

Wicked Karma

This morning I decided that I wanted an iced coffee. I had one on Saturday, it was yummy. After I drank that bevarage I did two loads of laundry and scrubbed the tub! I figured - why not give it a shot during a work day - maybe I'd be super productive and my boss would be impressed!!

So. I went to the bank. The post office. The Dirt Cowboy. I ordered a large iced mocha latte and a ham and cheese croissant (the same magical order from Saturday). I came home and Wilson said, "I wish you wouldn't support the Dirt Cowboy. The manager doesn't let them have the tips in the tip jar."

My only response, as I was chugging my drink was "Well then it's a good thing I don't tip!"

Here's where the instant karma kicked my butt - the croissant was gross and after I finished the coffee, I got a stomach ache and took a nap.

I want my $7 back.

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