Monday, January 28, 2008

In Dreamland v11

i was at a new year's eve party in a fancy club. by fancy i mean, i had to wear a suit. the only reason i had gone to this party was because i got a text from xavier saying he would be there and i should show up. so i did. i eventually got so bored i ended up laying on a couch watching tv. then xavier walked in and said "you look excited" and just kept walking. i got up and went to the bartender who was the bartender from the cruise i went on summer 2005. he gave me a drink and winked telling me it was only $4.50. he told me it was some sort of brandy and coke cocktail. i went upstairs to look for xavier and the bar on the 2nd floor seemed very dull. after i really started looking at people it wasn't that they were boring, they were snobs. i ordered the same drink i had at the 1st floor bar and the bartender charged me $23. i said never mind and ordered a well rum and coke. that was $2. everyone was smoking cigars and the artwork was actually bottles of alcohol for sale, the least expensive being $233. i never found xavier.

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