Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Lesbians 2, Cops/Soldiers/Firefighters -5.5

Last night Wilson's keys got locked in his truck. While it was running. At the 7-Eleven.

The clerk called the Fire Department telling us they would jimmy the door open since the truck was running. We called and then proceeded to try to open it ourselves.

An hour, a wire hanger, two store clerks, a security guard, two random passersby, and one cop with the magic device later we managed to open the door. The cop was merely there to provide the tools as the security guard was the one who actually opened the door.

The best part about the whole situation was after we were done we thanked the security guard (who was off duty and just wanted a coke from the store). She replied, "I always stop to help family."

Oh, and as we were pulling out, the fire department showed up.

I heard this song on my way home and had a major 80s flashback. It has nothing to do with anything that happened but made me happy:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

1. I love that song, fo sho!
2. Cool that the security guard gal helped you out.
3. How convenient for the fire truck to come an hour later..... :/

:), celia