Thursday, February 21, 2008

McCain Pulls a John Edwards, Shouts "Look at Me! Look at Me!"

I've become too cynical regarding politics, I believe.

The New York Times posted a story dated February 21, 2008 regarding possible inproprieties Senator and Presidential hopeful John McCain had with lobbyist Vicki Iseman.

My take:

A) The New York Times already endorsed McCain, they don't really have that strong an interest in dragging his name through the mud.

B) The beginnings of this story started way back in December, prior to the Iowa Caucuses and New Hampshire Primaries. Very interesting that the big blow up didn't happen until after McCain was the true front-runner for the GOP's nomination.

C) Since McCain's status as front-runner has been sealed, he's been receiving a lot less press than his Democratic colleagues. And is it not fishy (if not just a little interesting) that this story breaks on the day of what could be the most important Democratic debate?

I would not think twice if I heard that McCain's camp is just a little bit more responsible for pushing the NYT into publishing this today - considering that now that it has, his face has been plastered on a lot more websites and newsprograms.

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