Saturday, February 18, 2006

In the Beginning, God Created Mexicans

First of all, Mex to the Max is a slogan used by the restaurant Margarita's, which by the way, is a perfect example of "just because you name your restaurant after something doesn't mean that particular item is any good." For instance, the actual margaritas at Margarita's suck, whereas the margarita's at Molly's give me warm tingly sensations that eventually make me urinate. As an aside, I cannot comment on any Mollies at Molly's as I have never met, seen, or heard of a Molly at Molly's. But I digress. The term "mex to the max" is also a blitz nickname used by one of my staff members. I will discuss this "blitz" and these "students" at a later date. (This is where I try to intrigue you with vague references to things I hope to write about and will in turn tingle your curiousity and cause you to continue to read my bloglet ... providing of course I update it regularly and actually write about the things I seductively elude to.)

About me, your blogger extraodinaire: I was born in Columbus, NM. A U.S. citizen I grew up on the border speaking english and spanish and no, I have no accent in either language. Sometimes I'm happy about this, sometimes I'm saddened as things tend to sound funnier in an accent, and since I'm not an actor, I'm not great at doing fake accents. It tends to come out as someone impersonating Cheech Marin ... and not very well.

I am 27 going on 28, baby it's time to think ...

I work at Dartmouth College. This topic, also, will arise in the future.

I am recently engaged to my partner, Wilson.

I am a homosexual.

I like to state the obvious.

I also like to make people laugh. It's my "thing." If I can make people laugh I feel they like me, and I like when people like me.

I don't like when people don't like me.

I'm not, however, one of those people who will go to the ends of the Earth to try to get someone to like me. If you don't like me, you don't like me and I will probably make fun of you behind your back (and then write about you on my other blog).

I'm mature like that.

I have a penchant for run on sentences and belaboring a point. I feel the more verbose I become the greater chance of me saying something funny will arise. An economy of language is not this humorist's friend.

So at times I will post some monologues that otherwise would only occur in my head (where of course there was laughing) and sometimes I'll post some where maybe there could perhaps be laughter, but more than likely only a confused "huh?" will be produced. If you know me in real life, you may find somethings to be repetitive, or slightly altered. I feel that my interactions in daily life are a rehearsal for conversations I can then make more dramatic, humorous and intriguing when I write about them. This will cause people who don't know me to believe that I am as quick witted and lingually blessed as I appear on their computer screen. Cause, come on, who would really use the term "lingually blessed" in an actual conversation? Well, maybe Wilson, and you had a pleasant wake up call from me this morning.


Anonymous said...

Daniel - you make me smile and laugh. i'm so ready for a lunch at Folger, happy hour at Boomerangs, and you know...woo hoo - Holiday Inn! :)

Anonymous said...

...wils would say 'lingually blessed' f*in wilson. <3 heheheh