Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Miracle on 30-poopth St.

So this morning I woke up in a foul mood. I don't know why, I was just a bitter little man this morning. Nothing suited me - I was like Goldilocks - I wasn't happy with my toothbrush, the water just wouldn't get warm enough in the shower and even though I looked hott, I just didn't like what I was wearing. Wah, right? It's all about perspective, really ...

So I was walking to work and as I turned the corner at Baker Library I saw a huge dog taking a dump on the lawn. Its owner was standing nearby, waiting patiently holding on to the leash. I thought, "Great, what a fan-fucking-tastic morning!" But then something miraculous happened. Something I was not prepared for - visually or emotionally. The woman pulled out of her pocket ... wait for it ... a plastic bag! And she scooped up her pooch's poop! And then threw the little baggie in the trash!

It was a Festivus Miracle!

Let me tell you, if you're ever in a bad mood, watching someone pick up dog shit, might just do the trick. Trust me.

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