Monday, June 09, 2008

Triage Me Now!

Saturday morning: I stub my left pinky toe on the foot of the bed. I curse (as per usual) and proceed to go about my day.

Later Saturday morning: Bruno, the lug, that he is, in a fit to see what I am looking at through the window, tromps (if that's not a word, I don't care, it is apropos) on the toe I stubbed on the foot of the bed Saturday morning.

Saturday midday: Wilson and I meet Mike at PetSmart on Yarbrough to look at a dog we might adopt.

Later Saturday midday: Wilson and I and Mike go to the Animal Control Center because the dogs at PetSmart were not what we were looking for. We find a cute little Shepherd/Hound mix.

Saturday afternoon: Wilson and I and Mike go to the PetSmart on the West Side to see if they have any puppies. No puppies there so we decide to go eat at Super China Buffet.

Later Saturday afternoon: Wilson and I and Mike go back to the Animal Control Center to adopt the cute little Shepherd/Hound mix.

Early Saturday evening: Wilson and I and Mike go back to the house in Horizon City where I take off my shoe. My toe is about double its original size and the color of a ripe cherry. I decided that I should probably remove my toe ring.

Saturday night: We decide to take me to Hospital to see if my toe is broken as I'm finding ever more difficult to walk and can't bend my toe.

Later Saturday night: We're at the hospital.

Later later Saturday night: We're still at the hospital.

Early Sunday morning: We're still at the hospital.

Later early Sunday morning; I finally get to an exam room.

Slightly later early Sunday morning: I get up to go pee.

30 seconds later than slightly later early Sunday morning: The doctor comes to my exam room.

20 minutes after the 30 seconds later than slightly later early Sunday morning: The doctor comes to my room to tell me that my toe isn't broken, I should stay off of it and gives me a prescription for Vicodin.

15 minutes after that, I pay my $100 copay and am wheeled out of the hospital (Wheeeeeeeeeeeee!)

2:30 A.M. I scarf down a #6 combo from Wendy's and go to bed.

All in all, I guess it's a good thing that I got it checked out. I got to go to the brand spanking new hospital in El Paso and can now tell people that the service there sucks.


Anonymous said...

did you go to Thomason? That kind of care leaves me to believe that you did. poor you.
i hope you toe feels better soon!

Anonymous said...

at least you got vicodin out of the trip for the pain.