Monday, October 06, 2008

And I Decided to Call Her 'Shelly.'

Saturday afternoon a good friend/neighbor called to ask for help with a puppy she took from another neighbor. Wilson and I made our way back from shopping and found this cute little thing being coddled by the friend/neighbor:

She was scared and shaky and listless and clinging on to life. Mostly because she also came with this (WARNING: Potentially disturbing photo):

And this:

We don't know exactly what happened, and this photo is the cleaned up mess. We spent about 4 hours at the Animal Emergency Center where, thankfully, she had no broken bones, no major infections and was overall in good general health. The friend/neighbor rescued her from the house across the street after she heard her crying all day. We're all just a little bit concerned about the fact that there are four or five other pups out there. Even more concerning is the thought that maybe they were using poor little rescued pup as a punching bag.

So, we've done the rescuing, the medicating, the feeding and now we need to find the housing. We're all hoping she makes a speedy recovery and she will find a good home. Which is where you, good reader, come in. Please, please, please make some calls, send some emails - this little puppy needs a home. A quiet home where she can recover and be loved.

She's about 8 weeks old, a boxer/lab mix and currently in an e-collar while she recovers.

Here's one more pic, just for cuteness' sake:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

FUCKERS!!! I hope you all called the police, Animal Control, the mob, etc. to put those people away. If I didn't live so far away and could have a dog in my apartment, I would take her in a heartbeat. Good luck! :-)