Sunday, October 05, 2008

The Best Laid Plans

Seriously, this was my plan for the weekend -

Spend Friday night in Las Cruces so I could ..
...Go to the Aggie game on Saturday afternoon.

Then drive home, do some clothes shopping and catch up on the laundry which was backed up since Wednesday.

This is actually what happened:

Came home Friday, had a quick dinner, went to coffee with Wilson.
Woke up Saturday morning, saw Wilson off to the doctor.
The doctor didn't work out so we went to the outlets.
Spent entirely too much time and money, but found some kick ass shoes.
Got a call from a neighbor and..
...rescued a dog.
Spent several hours at the animal emergency room.
Lost my wallet and went to bed about 1:00 a.m.

Woke up Sunday morning.
Attempted to watch Superbad, but had a superbad DVD (thanks Netflix!)
Found my wallet.
Went to Wal-Mart.
Ate Chinese food.
Went back to the vet for more puppy meds.
Came home.
Baked a loaf of bread.
Ate a loaf of bread.
And finally did some laundry...

Now it's Army Wives, purging the closet and maybe bedtime.

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